Some Special Things about People

Identify the Selfish People

There are many people around us. They are doing every thing related to their work. There are many types of people it means no one is same. People are different to each other due to many thing like their habits, their work and also behavior.
In your life, you have seemed people that are only work for them, helpful for their-self it means they didn't want give benefits to others. They cannot owe others. In our society, that people called Selfish.
Mostly people didn't like the selfish people.
There is a way that we can recognize the selfish people. If you are traveling on car or a bus then you can easily see there are many people who like to sit on the corner seat or glass side seat. And also if these people cannot sit on their desired seat then they cannot enjoy their journey as they wish.
These people are go to hurry on bus stop so that they can get their desired seat. These people are selfish more than others who sit on the side-by seat.

Understanding of People

In our world there are many types of people intelligent normal and dull. During a lecture or reading the notes all people have different capacity to absorb it. You note that people are doing different things during lecture. Mostly people are do the activities with the thing that they holding in their hand and that is pen.
People are who are doing Tic Tac with pen, they are understanding the lecture but they forget the lecture after 3 or 4 hours.
People who pulling the pen the pen in their mouths, they are just thinking about the logic behind the scene.
People who are doing nothing and just focus the eyes on notes or lecture, these people are completely understanding the lecture.
People who are writing on pages they are not listening the lecture. They are thinking about the other scenes.

The Way of Talking

People are talked in different attitudes. Many people talk all the time. They like to talk. Mostly these type of people cannot speak lie. They have true hearts and they cannot bored other people due to their talking. But if you are notice them some of people that type just want their show off. They want to tell people that they know of everything in this world or they are very brave.
Some people who are not like to speak more. They liked silence and not also like to talk to strangers. These people are some kind of smart and intelligent. They mostly prefer talk with signals and eyes. These people mostly not trust to others and they analyzes the environment every time.
Some people have done the very bore talking. Actually they are not bore but they like to talk on a topic on which people are not trusted. These people are like Einstein or Newton that are interested in something in which other people are not.
